Protecting Your Financial Future: the Inside Story on Wills, Living Trusts, Income and Estate Taxes, Probate, LLCs, and Asset Protection details the legal techniques and tools you can use to insure your family doesn’t lose any of the wealth you’ve worked so hard to give them. Whether it’s a lawsuit, taxes, state or federal government attack, or any other threat to your financial security,
Protecting Your Financial Future shows you how to use living trusts and LLCs to protect your assets. You don’t have to do any thing wrong. Over half of all bankruptcies today are the result of someone in the family simply getting sick. Will you lose everything you’ve worked your whole life for just because someone in your family gets sick or dies? You can protect your assets from every type of attack, if you plan in advance.
Protecting Your Financial Future reads like a novel, and yet, it gives you step-by-step asset protection planning.In today’s lawsuit happy society you’re only one lawsuit away from losing everything you’ve spent your whole life working for. Most commonly the suit comes just because somebody in your family gets sick. Lee and Kristy can show you how to use the law to protect yourself, because they’ve protected hundreds of wealthy families and themselves. They put a twist on asset protection nobody has ever talked to you about. If you’ve got a little business, it may be your most valuable asset. Lawyers always talk about how to protect you from what happens in the business (the corporate shield), but they never talk about protecting the business from a personal disaster. Will you lose your business and real estate investments if a family member gets sick?
Protecting Your Financial Future isn’t just a boring legal or financial book. It’s Lee and Kristy’s story and the stories of their neighborhood. Time-Warner Book-of-the-Month Club says folks should read it in their book clubs, because it’s a fun read. Yet, it’s technical enough Certified Financial Planners get 11 hours of continuing education for reading it. It goes way beyond asset protection and shows you how to use the law to get more spendable money. Yes, you can use the laws to make more money, and you don’t even need a lawyer to do it. Protecting Your Financial Future will show you how to use the laws and leverage them to let you make more money at whatever you are doing. Think about the rich people you know. They use the business laws, tax laws, and legal tools to make more money. You can use those same laws, if you know how. Wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and LLCs form your first line of defense. You may even already have these legal tools, but just having a legal document isn’t enough. You’ve got to know how to use it to get the asset protection and financial benefits. Protecting Your Financial Future will show you how to use them for asset protection and financial gain.
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